Grounded in rigorous research

ZIBRIO’s predictive fall risk assessment technology is backed by 15 years of research on astronauts, athletes, and older adults. ZIBRIO’s Balance Research Institute is actively conducting ongoing research to improve our products and expand their applications.

Falls are now the leading cause of visits to trauma units

28% of adults over 65 years are falling each year. The problem is getting worse: deaths from falls increased between 2007-2016.

ZIBRIO Stability Score is better than current clinical practices at predicting falls before they happen

ZIBRIO provides a simple, objective measure of postural stability and fall risk that easily fits into current clinician workflow, and can also be safely used by patients at home to track their balance and encourage healthy behaviors.

  • ZIBRIO stability score predicts falls up to 12 months†

  • Score is comparable or better than current practices†

  • ZIBRIO fall risk stratification provides insights for personalized care

Can tracking stability reduce falls?

In one study, senior living residents at one facility had access to ZIBRIO technology to measure their balance regularly. Most participants chose to measure their balance at least once a month. The residents that measured their balance regularly experienced a 74% reduction in falls from the year before.‡

This is likely because tracking their balance helped them be motivated to make good choices for their balance, like attending balance exercise classes more regularly. (The purpose of the study was to track changes in balance, not to assess fall prevention interventions, so it’s not possible to state the precise reason for the reduction in falls.)


How ZIBRIO’s technology works

Have you ever tried standing perfectly still for an entire minute? It’s harder than you think. When you try to stand still, your body is actually making small adjustments to keep upright. ZIBRIO® Stability scales are very sensitive and measure all these movements, which contribute to your balance score.


ZIBRIO’s patented BrioCore® technology determines your balance score from dynamic movements of the body during standing.

BrioCore technology uses center of pressure measurements from the 60 second standing test and applies artificial intelligence to distinguish patterns of stability and instability in the user’s postural control.

The resulting score gives a number out of 10, which is also indicative of fall risk.

brio scale-17.png

Learn more about the scales


Our technology is part of the Space Certified Technology program from the Space Foundation.

† Forth et al. 2020. A Postural Assessment Utilizing Machine Learning Prospectively Identifies Older Adults at a High Risk of Falling. Front. Med., 7, 926.

‡ Prospective study 2 (n=53)