How to Avoid Falls in Icy Weather

With winter storms still in evidence across the country, now is a good time to think about safety when out and about. Obviously, when weather is extreme, and conditions dangerous, it's best to stay indoors if you can. But you can prepare yourself for when you're ready to go out again: set yourself up for better balance and lower risk of falling.

Maintain basic fitness. While it's tempting to hide on the sofa under a blanket, keeping up with moderate regular exercise is important preparation for poor conditions, especially exercises that can be done safely indoors, and those which boost your balance.

  1. Wear good shoes. Warm shoes with rubber soles will help keep feeling in your feet, and give you better grip on outside surfaces.

  2. Warm up your muscles before you go out. Take 5 minutes or so to move your arms, legs, head, to get the blood flowing. Warm muscles make it easier to balance and respond to challenges than cold, stiff ones.

  3. Protect your vision. Being able to see hazards like icy patches will help you. Make sure you take prescription (sun)glasses with you if necessary but be careful of bifocals as they can sometimes make uneven ground more hazardous as your focus switches between the near and far segments of the lens.

  4. Think like a penguin. If surfaces are wet or icy, take smaller steps than usual, and widen your stance slightly. This helps keep your center of balance within your base of support. Keep your knees soft to make it easier for your muscles to react to unexpected changes.

  5. Do balance exercises regularly. Your balance system incorporates many different parts, a bit like an orchestra: best results come with regular tuning practice (HINT: it’s not just about standing on 1 leg).

Many fall prevention tips focus on how to remove the hazard, which is really important. But don’t neglect the thing you most have the power to change - your own intrinsic capabilities. The human body remains adaptive well into very old age, contrary to what used to be believed.

Our research shows that balance can change quite quickly - within a few weeks - to changes in your lifestyle. So make a positive change today and invest in your balance.

ZIBRIO’S scales use space certified technology to measure balance and fall risk in a simple 60 second test. Find out more here.