Work Smarter, Not Harder to Prevent Falls in Senior Living

The Senior Living industry has been hit hard during the COVID-19 pandemic, working frantically to contain or prevent infection while still providing quality of life for their residents. It’s been a ferociously difficult task.

Now, as things begin to stabilize a little, people of all ages are more open to making real changes when it comes to preventive health. But there are so many ways of looking at ‘health’. How do you engage your resident population in meaningful health behaviors, without creating an unreasonable burden on them and on staff?

There is also a very real problem for older adults who may have become more sedentary during the pandemic as exercise classes and social events were cancelled or went virtual. Research in Australia showed mid-way through 2020 they had already seen a 30% increase in falls requiring hospitalization due to COVID-caused inactivity.

Addressing balance and fall issues is clearly a high priority. Fortunately, you don’t have to work harder at it, if you have some smart help on your side.

infographic on fall reduction strategies in senior living

As with any program for change, start with a baseline measurement. The Stability Pro scale takes just 60 seconds to show both balance score and fall risk, which is predictive for up to a year.

Supporting materials help you and your staff get appropriate help to the right people. Those whose balance is good or moderate need different counseling to those whose balance is poor.

Balance is impacted by many health issues and health habits, and ZIBRIO walks you and your residents through their personal profile to identify where they should focus attention first in order to start their journey towards better balance.

This approach works hand in hand with existing systems and specialist personnel, like physical therapists and fitness instructors who may already be working with your residents.

Thereafter, empower your residents to measure their balance regularly to guide further health advice and help.

For individual stories to inspire them, see how two senior living residents in their 80’s used the ZIBRIO balance score to manage their balance and their health:

There’s nothing wrong with hard work, but you can do so much more with smart work. Contact us today to arrange a demo and have all your questions answered.

Let’s put a stop to falling.