5 Reasons Walking to Work Will Make Your Day 10x Better

April 7th is Walk to Work Day. So, gather a few co-workers or go solo and use today as motivation to integrate more physical activity into your daily life. Regular walking strengthens bones, increases muscle strength, sense of balance and decreases one’s likelihood of falling. Interested? Keep reading. Why Should You Participate in Walk to Work Day?

  • Walking is one of the best ways to stay healthy and keep your body in shape. Regular brisk walking can help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent or manage various conditions.

  • Strengthens bones and helps to prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Walking is a weight bearing exercise which can increase bone density.

  • Improves mood and relieves stress. 20 minutes of modest exercise has been found to be enough to provide your body with increased energy for as much as 12 hours.

  • Allows you to reconnect with the environment. Life can be hectic, so a morning walk allows you to slow down and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings.

  • It’s easy to get started. All you need is a pair of shoes and you’re set.

How to Prepare to for Walk to Work Day?

  • Set your alarm early. You will probably need extra time to get to work.

  • Pack a breakfast to eat on the go. Pick something easy to pack and carry. This may be the perfect opportunity to try out that new parfait recipe you’ve been craving.

  • Plan your route to work. Choose a route which is safe and pedestrian friendly.

  • Grab a second pair of comfortable shoes. Work shoes typically aren’t the most comfortable, make sure your walk is enjoyable.

Unable to Participate in Walk to Work Day? Try these 3 alternatives.

  1. Walk to Lunch. Use your break to walk to a lunch spot farther from your office than normal, this will help you incorporate extra steps into your day.

  2. Use the stairs. It’s tempting to just jump on the elevator, but try and use the stairs more often. Steps are a great way to integrate extra cardio into your daily routine.

  3. Park far from your office entrance. Choose a parking spot far from your office entrance. This will help increase your steps and give you additional time to clear your head before starting your day.